tassa (modern tasa) ☜☞ tasa

Sale price set by the authorities based on the number of sheets printed, for example, “seis maravedis cada pliego.”

The tassa was determined by Los Señores del Real Consejo de Castilla. In Calderón’s Séptima parte of 1683, the tassa was signed by “Domingo Leal de Saavedra, Escrivano de Cámara de su Magestad.” When he signed for the Verdadera quinta parte of 1694, he called himself “Escrivano de Cámara del Consejo [Real de Castilla].” [DWC]
  • El amor, y la amistad, y prueba real para conocer los verdaderos amantes, y amigos

    [Hispanic Society Museum and Library]

<em>tassa </em>(modern <em>tasa</em>)
<em>tassa </em>(modern <em>tasa</em>)
<em>tassa </em>(modern <em>tasa</em>)
<em>tassa </em>(modern <em>tasa</em>)
<em>tassa </em>(modern <em>tasa</em>)
<em>tassa </em>(modern <em>tasa</em>)